==================================== Django basic CMS's CMS documentation ==================================== Welcome on the documentation of the simple multilingual Django Basic CMS (package name: django-basic-cms). You track the latest changes to the code base on the `github project page `_. To get more information about this CMS and its feature go to the :doc:`Introduction section `. To get the source code with git use:: git clone git://github.com/YD-Technology/django-basic-cms.git django-basic-cms To get installations instructions go to the :doc:`Installation section `. The latest changelog can be found here :doc:`Changelog section `. Table of content ====================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 introduction.rst placeholders.rst installation.rst display-content.rst navigation-template-tags.rst 3rd-party-apps.rst commands.rst settings-list.rst changelog.rst page-api.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`